Sunday, February 26, 2012

From the high...whoops!...seas

Swells today "near gale" they say, but actually it doesn't feel so bad, except it's a little disconcerting to put your foot down and find the floor is not where you expected it to be
But no matter, our gang is well and having a BLAST!  Tomorrow all the pics will go up and you can see for yourself, but for now you just have to take my word for it.

We have schmoozed with dolphins, deep-sea fished, lain on the beach, swum in the ocean, gone down in submarines, ziplined, won hairy man contests, and danced til our toes were nubs.  We are the party people on board and off.

As we were going through customs a Carnival employee approached me quietly and asked how she could find out what employment opportunities were available at the Ranch.  I told her how to go onto the web site and she said..."I want what you all have!"

Yesterday a man working the food service at the beach told Maria, "you are all like a family how you all care for each other."  Excuse me for thinking I might have died and gone to heaven!

Lofty expressions, equally lofty ideals.

Plus...our Jason won the hairy man contest!  Ranch life as usual, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous!

But what am I doing sitting here at the internet cafe kiosk?!  I need to get with the program.  Somewhere, there's dancing going on!

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